The Kavinoky gets the jump on a wave of openings, getting started a week before everyone else. Also notable is the inaugural offering of "First Look Buffalo," the east coast premier of "Cops and Friends of Cops." Nothing is closing, and prepare for the very short run of "Midsummer" with Irish Classical and the BPO.

THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY, musical by Jason Robert Brown and Marsha Norman, directed by Loraine O’Donnell, starring Michele Marie Benzin, Steve Copps, Christopher Guilmet, Ian Hayes, Arin Dandes, Robert Cooke, Ben Moran, Karen Harty, Kelly Copps, Laryssa Petryshyn, Pamela Rose Mangus, Paul Maisano. Jan 10-Feb 2, Thu & Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2. Kavinoky Theatre, 320 Porter Ave. (829-7668).
Cops and Friends of Cops, play by Ron Klier presented by First Look Buffalo, directed by Drew McCabe, starring Tony Grande, Dan Morris, John Patrick Patti, Shakora Purks, Bob Rusch. Jan 10-Feb 1, Thu-Sat at 8. Compass Performing Arts Center, 545 Elmwood Ave. (800-838-3006).
The Anastasia Trials in the Court of Women, courtroom drama by Carolyn Gage presented by The Brazen-Faced Varlets, directed by Lara D. Haberberger, starring Jennifer Arroyo, Heather Fangsrud, Jessie Miller, Jamie Nablo, Caroline Parzy-Sanders, Emily Pici, Kathleen Rooney, Stefanie Warnick, Priscilla Young-Anker. Jan17-Feb 1, Fri & Sat at 8, plus Feb 2 at 2. Alleyway’s Cabaret, 672 Main St. (598-1585).
The Antipodes, play by Annie Baker, directed by Scott Behrend, starring Sean Cullen, Cassie Cameron, Kristen Tripp Kelley, Greg Howze, John Hurley, David Marciniak, Ricky Needham, Dave Hayes, Adam Yellen. Jan 16-Feb 9, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2. Road Less Traveled Theater, 456 Main St. (629-3069).
Factory for Murders, play by Scott McCrea, directed by Neal Radice, starring James Cichocki, Trevor Dugan, Sandra Roberts, Emily Yancey, Madeline E. Allard, Bob Bozek, Emily Lotocki, Nolan Miles, Amy Rochford. Jan 16-Feb 18, Thu-Sat at 7:30. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (852-2600).
JUMP, play by Charly Evon Simpson directed by Paulette D. Harris, starring Marcus Thompson Jr., Aqueira Oshun, Andy Finley, Dayane Araujo. Jan 17-Feb 9, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 4. Paul Robeson Theatre at the African American Cultural Center, 350 Masten Ave. (884-2013).
MISS NELSON IS MISSING, play by Joan Cushing; based on the books by Harry Allard, presented by Theatre of Youth. Jan 25-Feb 9, Sat & Sun at 2. Allendale Theatre, 203 Allen St. (884.4400).
ON A FIRST NAME BASIS, comedy by Norm Foster presented by Desiderio’s Dinner Theatre, directed by Jay Desiderio, starring Eileen Dugan, Russ Papia. Jan 23-Mar 22. Thu & Sat dinner at 6, show at 7:30; Sun dinner at 1, show at 2:30. Bobby J’s Italian American Grille, 204 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga (395-3207).
A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM by Shakespeare performed to the compositions of Mendelssohn, presented by Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and Irish Classical Theatre Company, conducted JoAnn Falletta, directed by Fortunato Pezzimenti, Jan17-19, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 2. Kleinhans Music Hall, 1 Symphony Circle (885-5064)

Photo Credit-Brian Milbrand