Mark Sommer's interview to appear today (Saturday)

At this point, it seems obvious that anyone who agrees to join the Shea's board of trustees condones and encourages the continuation of an abusive work environment. And yet, in yesterday's "Business First," Shea's board chairman Randall Best is quoted as saying that he and fellow trustee Jonathan Dandes, "were talking to several people at the gala Sunday (Aug. 28) and met no resistance that people would openly consider serving on the board."
Best also asserted that, "There's not a unanimous complaint of staff. There are many people inside of Shea's who still support Michael [Murphy] strongly."
"MANY" people inside Shea's still support Michael strongly? 25 of 30 employees signed their names to a document condemning his behavior as abusive and endorsing his removal. How many is "many"? Two?
Twelve employees have left Shea's in the past year.
The article also states that the increased revenues at Shea's "can't be disputed." Maybe they can't, but the credit for that increase certainly can. One wonders if these trustees have ever heard of the man who actually deserves the credit, Lin-Manuel Miranda, creator of Hamilton. Revenues have gone up at performing arts centers across the country because of Hamilton. In Buffalo, Albert Nocciolino booked and a capable staff at Shea's supported performances of that blockbuster show. Michael Murphy was in the right place at the right time.
I have to observe that the "Business First" interview is a tissue of distortions.
Today, Saturday, September 3rd, the Buffalo News will publish an interview with Randall Best and Jonathan Dandes by Mark Sommer. I can't wait to see what these guys said to an interviewer who knows the background well and won't fall for half-truths. I intend to buy the paper first thing in the morning. Then I'll pour myself a cup of coffee and take my time to read.