Innovation will mark the New Era of Shakespeare in Delaware Park

There is no time more precarious in the history of a cultural organization than the period when it makes its transition into the period after the retirement of its founding artistic leadership. Many groups have faltered and died in the process. Shakespeare in Delaware Park has the added burden of having to continue in the shadow of a Buffalo theater titan, Saul Elkin, who took his retirement after last season. SDP has no intention of breaking Elkin's magic staff or drowning his impressive book. The new model of artistic leadership is intended to continue Elkin's legacy of excitement and innovation while shepherding Shakespeare in Delaware Park into an increasingly diverse and technologically complicated world. Instead of hiring one artistic director to govern the direction of the venerable festival, each season, SDP will select proposals for productions for applications, submitted on a competitive basis. The 2023 season -- Measure for Measure (6/22-7/16) and Romeo and Juliet (7/27-8/20) -- was chosen using this process.
The call for submissions to produce in the 2024 season has gone out. Applications will be rated on criteria divided into issues of Appeal; Merit; Identity; and Feasibility, as defined and explained in the Scoring Rubric. See details below:
Shakespeare in Delaware Park Seeks Directors for 2024 Season
Each year, Shakespeare in Delaware Park (SDP) accepts proposals for new direction of a play for its upcoming production season. Our Artistic Panel – comprised of volunteer theater goers, actors, designers and community members – reviews each submission on the basis of Audience Appeal, Artistic Merit, Organizational Identity and Feasibility. After an initial scoring round, candidates may be asked to present their concept and interview with the Panel, with the top two finalists selected as our 2024 season directors. Selected candidates will be responsible for working with the SDP production team (set, costume, lighting & sound designers) and will be required to attend our annual auditions in January.
Entries must be submitted by March 10, 2023
Submission Requirements:
The production must be a play written by William Shakespeare
The performance length should not exceed 2 hours and 15 minutes
The cast size should not exceed 20
Successful Submissions:
Present a clear concept focused on Audience Appeal, Artistic Merit, Organizational Identity and Feasibility*
Demonstrate a strong understanding of the play and its complexities
Are inclusive of diverse audiences and reflect conversations on inclusivity
Provide clear vision for casting (i.e., gender, age, race, etc.)
*See scoring rubric
Submit all materials to: or PO Box 716, Buffalo, NY 14205