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Neal Radice Retires

Writer: Anthony ChaseAnthony Chase

A message from Alleyway Theatre's founder

woman and man standing in front of a building
Joyce Stilson and Neal Radice stand in front of the theater they built and helmed

This week, Neal Radice, founder and executive director of Alleyway Theatre, sent out a message this week, thanking his supporters, reflecting on his forty year tenure, and heralding the future of Alleyway. We share the text below.

A message from the retiring Executive Director

Well, the time has arrived. It is certainly an odd time. So strange for the theatre to be empty these days. However, I set the end of this season as my retirement date, and, though masked by a health emergency, my departure time has arrived.

After forty years, I can’t begin to thank all the people who have made my journey so artistically satisfying and so very happy, but you wouldn’t have a notion of what has been at the center of our successes if I didn’t offer my special thanks to Todd Warfield and my dear wife Joyce Stilson who is also moving on at this time.

The loyalty that we’ve enjoyed from artists, staff, board members and volunteers over these many years has been the glue that has held Alleyway Theatre together.

As Joyce and I leave Alleyway, we are comforted to know that the company I founded in 1980 will be in the capable, very talented hands of Chris J. Handley and Robyn Horn and that they’ll be supported by the rest of the outstanding staff members who have joined us in recent months and years.

I offer my sincerest thanks to the audience that has remained so loyal and engaged. I encourage everyone to keep an eye on Alleyway over the coming years as, under energetic new management, Alleyway Theatre grows into an even stronger force within this theatre community.

Farewell, good health, please stay safe.

Neal Radice

©2022 by Theater Talk ... and I'm Anthony Chase

Buffalo, NY, USA

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