(See a link to an interactive map of the virus in Erie County on landing page for this web site).

We can add the Ujima, Carriage House Players, and Geva to the list of cancellations and postponements.
Ujima Company
Ujima offices and performance space are closed, at least until March 31, 2020, and new dates for The Gospel at Colonus and Spunk, will be determined at a later date. The company is offering ticket holders the chance to exchange for a different date or refunds. They are also asking patrons to consider offering their ticket purchases as donations to Ujima Company. Donations will go to:
paying actor and artist stipends for The Gospel at Colonus cast and crew who rehearsed for three weeks prior to shutdown
recovery of loss in ticket sales
payment of monthly bills including rent and utilities
Carriage House Players in Lockport
Carriage House Players, which performs at the Taylor Theater in the Kenan Center in Lockport, has postponed their production of A.R. Gurney's The Dining Room, originally scheduled to open April 17th. They hope to perform the show in the fall. The show was to be directed by Betsy Bittar with a cast including Victor Morales, Darryl Hart, Connor Caso, Mira Steuer, Caroline Panzy-Sanders and Kathleen Rooney. Lockport reported three new cases of Coronavirus today. Niagara County, which has performed far fewer tests than Erie County, a total of 12 positive results, 64 people quarantined, 12 in isolation and four test results still pending. In addition, 29 people have completed quarantine.
Geva Theatre Center, Rochester
Geva Theatre Center has announced the postponement or cancellation of all remaining productions for the 2019-2020 season. Geva’s productions of Once and Cry It Out, that were running when attendance restrictions were put in place, will be made available to view on the streaming channel BroadwayHD. The world premiere production of Looks Like Pretty, which was in rehearsal until March 14, has been suspended. Geva hopes to present Looks Like Pretty in July. Where Did We Sit on the Bus?, the final scheduled production of Geva’s Fielding Studio Series, will be rescheduled for next season. The production of Vietgone that was to close out the 2019-2020 season could be rescheduled and had been cancelled. Events such as the Regional Writers Showcase, the Young Writers Showcase and the final play of the Hornets’ Nest series are also cancelled.