Exhibits used in the complaint, including the letter of termination

Publicly available documents in the former Shea's president Michael G. Murphy's lawsuit against Shea's, through the court filing, include his letter of termination, his work agreement, and his letter of renewal.
The termination letter is especially revealing, as it indicates:
that the board had determined to terminate Murphy's relationship to Shea's on Tuesday, October 18th, three days before the announcement;
that the decision was "final and irreversible";
that a committee had formed, specifically to act on behalf of Shea's in any discussion Murphy's separation from the organization;
that the board was aware that Murphy had probably hired a lawyer
that Murphy's contract forbids him to say anything negative or derogatory about Shea's, or any of its employees, trustees, donors, or business associates for a period of two years
The committee charged to discuss Murphy's separation from Shea's includes Randall Best, La Verne Mosey-Murphy, Jonathan Dandes, and James Eagen.
The documents can be viewed through the links below:
Other documents, filed as "exhibits," include private emails and text messages between Murphy and board members:
Also of interest is the today's Buffalo News coverage by Mark Sommer, "Ex-Shea's president sues over his firing: Shea’s board 'bought into the bigoted conduct'" . In his article, Sommer outlines how "the ousted president of Shea's cast himself as the victim amid the drama that has played out for several months," as well as the boards denial of the claim.
Finally, as I made available earlier, here is a link to Murphy's complaint: